Because of people like you giving generous donations, we are able to help our patients receive life saving treatment and doctors some much needed funding to continue their research for a cure.
This November 28th, join the movement and give a donation.
There are different options and the Light The Night Team is here to help.
Option 1:
We Are Here To Help!
One of the best ways to help with #GIVINGTUESDAY is to send out donation letters to friends, family and co-worker.
Now we now that it takes time to organizing and send out letters. This is where the Light The Night staff is here to help. We have set up a mailing system to help out. You can use the template letter link below to customize your letter with your personal story.
If you feel you don't have time to customize, we have a generic template you can use.
Now we know printing, stuffing and sealing letters can take up a lot of time. That is where we can help you as well. You can send us your customized letter via email and we will print, stuff, seal and MAIL the letters for you.
All you have to do is fill out the contact list so we know who to send it too. (This list will not be shared with any third party vendors.)
Ask your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to join you in sending a letter. This is a great way to jump start the give back season.
*Please have your request in by November 21th to give time for printing and mailing.
Option 2:
Click Here and make a donation. You can even make a donation in honor of someone. Leave a team name or family member name in the comments.
You can post on your facebook page and instagram. Type in the hashtags #LTNOCIE #GIVINGTUESDAY and add your fundraisng page link in the post.
We will be saying thank you to all who donate on #GIVINGTUESDAY as well as those who send in donations from your donation letter on our Light The Night OCIE facebook page -
Together we can make Someday, Today!
HH and MH