Ten years ago, my life became a sudden standstill. Newly engaged, I was working two jobs and life was good. Then, I caught what I thought was a cold. On the second day of taking antibiotics I woke up with black and blue marks all over my stomach and back. I was rushed to the hospital.
Upon completing an examination, I was told I had acute promyelocytie leukemia (APL), the most acute leukemia there was. I was told I needed immediate treatment or I would not make it more than 30 days. Well at that time, I literally almost had a heart attack, my blood pressure skyrocketed and I was heavily sedated to calm me down.
I was alone in my hospital room for 31 days, scared, losing my hair, receiving blood transfusion continuously, and chemo. However, I was treated by a wonderful research team at Robert Wood Johnson Cancer Center in New Brunswick, New Jersey. My treatment was new and at first, my insurance was not going to pay. Thankfully, my fellow coworkers and friends raised money for me to get my meds.
LLS continued to fight to get my meds approved and they won. Here I am 10 years later. Never give up. I planned my wedding from my hospital was able to take my honeymoon during my chemo treatments and I am still happily married. We have four children and 12 grandchildren that keep us going. Never give up.