Team Hilda's Honeys was created in 2015 by myself and my brother in honor of my mother, Hilda C. Jones, after she was diagnosed with Large B Cell Lymphoma. Unfortunately, Hilda passed away in 2015 before Light the Night that year.

Our mother was an educator for over 30 years and truly made an impact on her community. She taught generations, and looked at every student as though they were her own child. Literacy was important to her, helping those in need was a must and showing love and respect was paramount. Kind hearted, loving smile, infectious laugh & devoted teacher, generous mother, grandmother & friend are just a few ways to describe her. We will never fill this gap but we want to pay her generosity forward and support the families that went through similar situations as she did.
We chose the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society because fundraising goes directly toward research & patient & family support. It gave us a peace of mind to know the money wasn't going toward administrative costs and it was being used to fight. When we needed information and resources, LLS was there I learned about blood cancers, medicines, joined chat groups, researched financial aid, etc. It was exactly what was needed. To this day LLS, Virginia Chapter, continues to check in on my family and offer their support.
We've made a commitment to support LLS & its Light The Night Walk every year in memory of our mother. It is our goal to raise awareness and help fight against Lymphoma. Our Light the Night team grew from about 15 people in 2015 to 40+ in 2016 and we will continue to push forward to educate and motivate.
Our goal this year is to raise $5,000 & keep sharing her legacy with everyone. Click here to donate to Hilda's Honeys team
By Syndra Yancey, Team Captain