Maria Sacchetti was an 18-year-old beauty queen in her freshman year of college when she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, stage 2A. She started treatment shortly after: It took four rounds of chemo, three weeks of radiation, three wigs, seven Harry Potters, and four Twilight books before she was done. As she says, “It was the most challenging thing I never had a choice in doing.” Maria first heard about LLS through her cancer center—she applied for financial aid, and was fortunate to receive funds from LLS to cover her travel costs for treatment. Later that year, her cousin—whose father is a 35-year survivor of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma—invited Maria to walk with her team at Light the Night. It was the first of what would become many walks for Maria, walking in honor of her uncle and herself. Now that she’s involved, she realizes how much more there is to do: “We’ve done so much, but we still have a long way to go.”