More than 10 years ago, Barry Cooper was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). To both Barry and his wife, Naomi, it was a shock—Barry was fit and healthy, and had even run the NYC marathon several times. Not knowing where else to turn, Naomi phoned The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and spoke to a counsellor about treatment options and second opinions. Today, thanks to the LLS-funded medications that treat him, Barry is living with his CML. But that’s not where their story ends. In 2013, Naomi, too, was diagnosed with a leukemia—chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). At the time, no such treatments that managed Barry’s disease were available to Naomi. She was facing a lot of difficult decisions with no time to consider them. And then, miraculously, the FDA approved a new drug—a drug that Naomi was given to save her life. Now she, too, lives with a disease that is kept manageable with a daily pill. Both Naomi and Barry are living proof that someday truly is today.
Barry & Naomi Cooper