Light The Night is the world’s largest fundraising event to support blood cancer research. Participants gather together to celebrate, honor or remember those touched by cancer.
All participants carry illuminated lanterns - white in honor of survivors and the power of research, red in support of patients and finding cures, and gold in remembrance of those who have been lost.
While Light The Night is free to attend, we encourage all of our participants to make an effort to fundraise. This event marks the end-of-year celebration of our fundraising efforts. It is because of our fundraisers that we were able to give $2.37 MILLION to our Tennessee families fighting blood cancer in the past year alone!
Friday, November 1, 2019
Nissan Stadium, Lot R
Festivities Begin: 5:30 PM
Opening Ceremony: 7:00 PM
Walk Begins: 7:30 PM
Fireworks: 8:15 PM
Nashville Event Details
- Free parking available at Nissan Stadium in lots A through D
- Charles Esten, of the hit-show Nashville, as the event’s emcee
- Illuminated Lanterns are given to all registered participants to help "Bring Light to the Darkness of Cancer"
- Live Music and DJ
- Kid-Zone, Team Photo and Selfie Station, corn-hole, giant jenga, and more!
- Remembrance Pavilion where we honor those we’ve lost to cancer
- Be sure to bring photos of anyone you’d like to honor to place on our Remembrance Boards
- Lighting of the Lantern Ceremony to honor survivors and those who have lost their battle to cancer
- A walk around Nissan Stadium with fun stops along the way!
- Grand Finale Fireworks display as the walk comes to an end
- List of FAQs - If you have questions once you arrive at Light The Night, please stop by the Registration Tent on 11/1
Knoxville Event Details
- Free parking is available at Garage G-10 (Lot between Neyland Stadium & Thompson Boling Arena).
- Illuminated Lanterns are given to all participants to help "Bring Light to the Darkness of Cancer"
- Kid-Zone, featuring bounce houses, face-painting, corn-hole, giant jenga, and more!
- University of Tennessee Spirit Squad & Smokey
- Remembrance Pavilion where we honor those we’ve lost to cancer
- Lighting of the Lantern Ceremony to honor survivors and those who have lost their battle to cancer
- A leisurely 1.2 mile walk through UT Campus
- Fireworks display as the walk comes to an end
Show Your LLS Support on 11/1 and Beyond!
All registered participants will receive one (1) lantern:
White Lanterns- Cancer Survivors
Gold Lanterns- In Memory
Red Lanterns- Supporters
Champions for Cures
Raise $100 or more and become a Champion for Cures. You will receive a Light The Night T-Shirt and wristband which entitles you to food and refreshments at the event.
Bright Lights
Raise $1,000 or more and become a Bright Light. You will receive a Light The Night performance, long-sleeve shirt along with VIP celebrations and recognition at the event!
About LLS:
The Tennessee Chapter covers 95 counties and from July 2017 to June 2018, LLS provided 1,111 patients with $2,349,281 in financial assistance to help offset the cost of medical treatments and co-pays, and we provided an additional 47 patients with $23,500 for travel assistance. That’s a total of $2,372,781 for our Tennessee families fighting blood cancer.
All of this was made possible through the generosity of fundraisers and sponsors.
Please Register, Fundraise and Celebrate!